The Challenge of a Vision Board

In the December 31, 2023 issue of this newspaper, Robin McMacken, the Dayton Daily News Specialty Publications and Community Content Coordinator wrote a very personal article reflecting on her infusion of faith, gratitude while living with ongoing medical challenges. Full disclosure, Robin is my editor and primary contact regarding my weekly column with the DDN. I was very excited to read her narrative and remain touched by her insight into how she navigates the constant gnaw of medical worry with purposeful living. The blend of  reality with optimism as she set goals for 2024 stirred my January mind.


One tool Robin suggested in setting her new year’s intention was the creation of a vision board as a way to keep herself accountable to the goals and dreams she wishes to realize. As a visual person myself, I was intrigued by the idea.


So what is a vision board? Think of it like this. Imagine your dreams and aspirations walk into an art class with the enthusiasm of an 8-year-old where there’s an endless offering of colorful paper, fancy stickers, a plethora of magazines, and sparkly markers. Creating a visual board is like creating a pictorial collage of all the things that might give deeper meaning and happiness. We all have things we wish to see come to life. Somehow transferring such visions to paper might jumpstart new energy. With clear vision, it’s easier to mobilize support and resources giving goals a better chance at fruition. I love Robin’s suggestions regarding vision boards. Her examples for how to make life’s simple pleasures worthy of goal status are inspiring.


Fast forward to today when my daughter called me with angst in her voice. As a young first-time mom, she’s trying to find the existential balance between spending time with her infant son and traversing the demands of her professional life. As I advised my daughter, I suggested she create a vision board for herself so that she could sift through the voices in her mind to create a visual in what she’d like her life to look like. The act of putting dreams to poster board with the help of artistic creativity can serve as a very fun reminder of what’s possible.


Following the conversation with my daughter, I realized I needed to take a bit of Robin’s advice to heart. You know how they say you need to “know thyself?” Well, I know myself. If goals for this coming year remain locked in the narrow hallways of my mind, then by February I’ll be in escape mode wearing sweats and getting lost in 1000 piece puzzles waiting for March crocus buds to sprout (not that there’s anything wrong with that if such indulgence makes my vision board).


Robin’s history of survival despite the odds, choice to live in abundance, and willingness to remain committed to a life full of love inspired me. Her inclination to meld difficult and painful chapters with footnotes of humor and determination to seek joy are encouraging. Robin reminds us her goals for abundant living can be as simple as setting a festive dinner table or compiling family recipes for legacy sharing.


I don’t know about you, but setting New Year’s Resolutions are often elusive and doomed from the start. However, if we make visual connection with what brings us simple and authentic joy, we can perhaps stretch ourselves to live each day within the fullest of intention. I think my daughter and I need to get out the fancy paper and get started. Happy New Year everyone.


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