Courage Has A Sister
Photo by Vitaliy Lyubezhanin on Unsplash
Featured in the Dayton Daily News
This past weekend in Dayton, Ohio, I attended a fundraiser for the Noble Circle Project, an organization committed to helping women with cancer thrive beyond their diagnoses towards hope and empowerment. Noble Circle programs include an annual retreat, nutritional education and complimentary energy techniques. At the core, however, is the offering of peer support with those who navigate the same tour through cancer. For the past 15 years, this event has included the usual ways of raising money, including raffle tickets and apparel sales. Hallmark to Noble Circle’s “AWear Affair,” is a fashion show. This year’s theme had a western flare. The models were survivors of cancer’s daily challenge. Two by two, in pairs of sisterhood, boot-skootin' dressed women stepped up to the catwalk with confidence accompanied by the beat of Shania Twain and Martina McBride. Introduced were those living with cancer 6 months, 2 years, 10 years and even 23 years. Yes, 23 years. Strutting their story of life success, they smiled with radiance like the brilliant sun after a dark storm. They waved as they walked, proud to express their triumphant beauty. Clearly, the ability to be renewed after strife and pain was evident with each step along the center stage. The inspiration of this event continues to stick with me. Eventually, most of us will be catapulted towards a life circumstance we would have never welcomed. I suspect that although this fashion models showcased a wide range of victories, some of their tomorrows may include more treatment, more unknowing, and less guarantee. But what these women communicated was the ability for beauty to rise despite struggle. Their willingness to walk upright with delight and infectious rhythm was a reminder that the best of any self can shine brighter than adversity.
I was also reminded of the power of community. Sharing the ability to say, “I get it,” is a connection of heart found in the common experience of similar challenge. The good news is, trials yield a garden of unexpected surprise. The women of Noble Circle and their collective strength exemplifies the most authentic kind of splendor. Opening the hallowed ground of vulnerability (sometimes deeply buried) galvanizes the tendency to coil amidst heartache and misfortune. Paradoxically, that is where life power is sewn. I saw just that in the women of Noble Circle as they unknowingly shared their evolution born from kinship. Giving one another high fives and fist bumps seemed to be code for their common language of affirmation.
The best examples are from those unaware of their impact. I am certain many in attendance of the weekend’s Noble Circle celebration are still soaking in the glow of the day. The most inspirational walk among us. Keep an eye out for those still in their boots humming Billy Rae Cyrus’ “Achy Breaky Heart.” You may just be in the presence of what real courage looks like.