Mississippi Love, With Joseph

I recently returned from a trip to Mississippi to welcome our newest grandchild, Joseph Paul. The day of his birth was quite exciting, and his family was over the moon with jubilation. So was I. While Joseph and his parents were still in the hospital, I had a moment of crazy thought and suggested to my three grandkids (ages 5 and under) that we take a trip to Target. I thought it would be fun for each of them to pick something special for their new little brother. 


The first obstacle was getting in the car. Imagine the back seat of a Honda Pilot with three car seats side by side, secured with NASA worthy latches. It was like a cute bunch of toddlers impersonating sardines. I buckled Eileen, age 3 first. Rookie mistake. I then realized I’d have to lift Thomas up and over Eileen to get him to his middle seat. The problem was my arms couldn’t reach over Eileen’s seat to fasten him in, which meant I had to climb into the car with Thomas on my hip careful not to kneel on Eileen’s knees. I just prayed his foot would not end up in her ear. Two year olds are much heavier than they used to be. Sweat accumulated on my upper lip as I struggled to thread Thomas’ arms through the straps as he held tightly onto his Spider Man and Batman figurines in one hand and his bag of goldfish snacks in the other. 


“Nona, I’m thirsty,” I heard on repeat while spending the better part of daylight to untwist the strap on the left so that it could reach the strap on the right. And then both arm straps needed to be perfectly aligned to a clasp lost somewhere far beneath Thomas’ bootie. Once all buckles were secured, I tried to back out of the door the same way I went in. The problem was I had to undo my pretzel formation. It wasn’t attractive, believe me. Two broken nails and an arsenal of snacks and water bottles later, we were on our way. 


I laid the ground rules while driving. “How many kids are there?” I’d ask, followed by, “how many Nona’s?” I was trying to garner as much cooperation as possible imagining the potential for Target chaos. We arrived, parked, and navigated our way to the toy department without incident. So far so good. We were actually having fun discussing what Joseph would love. Thomas thought his little brother would love some matchbox cars. Eileen thought maybe a new little teddy bear sleeper might be nice, and Daniel, age 5, was certain Joseph would love a bag of Skittles. It was a grandmother-worthy moment despite the woman and her overflowing basket that repeatedly almost rammed into us in the superhero aisle.


Finding an open checkout lane was a challenge. Only one cashier appeared to be on duty, and the same woman who was less than generous with shared space in the superhero aisle was in front of us. You know the type that wants a price check on the $1.99 bottle of bubbles? Yes, that’s right. As my little ones became more and more impatient. I almost offered to pay for the bubbles, full price. 


Daniel and I placed our basket items on the conveyer belt. Wait, Star Wars underwear, size 4T? Of course, Daniel suggested, Joseph would need underwear someday. Assorted flavored jelly beans? Yes, Daniel continued, he would certainly “save” them for his little brother. And chap stick? According to Eileen, everyone needed lip care, even her 12-hour-old little brother. Apparently while I dodged the woman in the superhero aisle, my little ones were having a shopping heyday.


We made it home after buckling, with learned knowledge, safely in the car. We were all present to welcome Joseph as he came home for the first time. I left Mississippi knowing this was one loved little boy. Spiderman underwear, Skittles, Chap stick and all. Mississippi is brimming with all good things. Welcome sweet Joseph. 




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