Summer, Don't Leave Me!
Photo by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash
Featured in the Dayton Daily News
My happy place is to be outside, renewed by the sun, sleeveless, and sweater-free. In other words, I love summertime. I love hot. I love humidity, and I love open windows. The seamless flow between my world and the greater offering of the outside feeds my soul. I’m not sure why my husband thinks it’s a problem when the air conditioning is off, even on those 88 degree days. Then August comes and I resist the downward spiral of seasonal mourning. Sitting outside as the sun retires towards nightfall leaves me in awe as a symphony of color overtakes the sky. Nowhere better is such beauty displayed than right here in Ohio. I’m reminded of the grandness of the world, and relish the opportunity for tomorrow. The painted sky offers a promise to begin again as I place myself at the feet of nature’s awe. But now I hear the crickets sing a song of something I don’t want to hear. They remind me of back to school sales, pumpkins in the grocery displays, and talk of Ohio State Football. And then there’s my coworker who was delighted to inform me how many shopping days I have left until Christmas. Ye Gads! I’m just getting warmed up.
Summertime poses the chance for freedom. When my kids were small, we loved the unplanned mornings when alarms were silent allowing permission for a bit more slumber. Breathing space expanded when schedules didn’t squelch the impromptu kickball game in the cul-de-sac. Neighbors hung out on the sidewalks and melting popsicles competed with eager tongues. I read more, relaxed more, and cared less about the chores of life. When August comes, I am tempted to sulk, as if my reluctance to embrace September could really change anything.
Recently, I went for an early morning walk. The temperature outside was 57 degrees, a bit too chilly for my liking. This was unusual for August, yet I donned my jacket and set off, serenaded by the birds singing their song for a new day. The sky was cloudless. Just as any dusk unleashes breathtaking splendor, this audacious morning sun comforted me with its same reassurance. “Stick with me,” I heard the birds sing on behalf of the brilliant shine, one that I know will bring vibrancy to fall colored leaves. “Change is ok,” the brisk air hinted as my cheeks became rosy with aliveness. My stubbornness softened. This morning’s walk reminded me of the rhythm to our seasons, the metaphors of nature which can check us when we are stuck and want to pout. The reassurance of the sun and consequences of its existence set me straight. “I’m not going anywhere, anytime soon,” the source of energy heartened me. I still hate cold. I’m not yet ready to think of gloves, snow shovels or Christmas. But after my chat with the sun this cool morning, I trust that it’s radiance will lead me on, keep me warm regardless of the chill, and encourage me to remain connected with the splendor of our nature. I just have to trust in that same cheer come February. Now, if I can just find my Ohio State sweatshirt.