I am not easily surprised. Historically, I’ve known what my husband is gifting me for Christmas way before coffee and egg casserole on Christmas morning. For pending milestones, my intuitive nature usually cues me when something feels out of sync, or when there’s a sense of squelched excitement in the air. I’m definitely one of those people who proclaims, “It’s hard to surprise me.” That is, until my sister blind sighted me with a 65th surprise birthday party.


This is how it went down. The Friday evening started out with my brother, sister and I (along with our spouses) sharing a bite at a local Irish pub. My sister gets a text from her son, Jack informing her of some good news to share. “When will you be home?” he cajoles. In true  Irish family form, we all feverishly exited the pub and car-caravaned to my sister’s house. Enroute, we eagerly called from to car to car speculating about what this good news could be. I was convinced Jack was engaged to his sweet gal, Chloe. Either that or he had a new puppy. In hindsight, some might think it a problem when a text from a son to his mother informing her of some exciting news causes a chain reaction of this sort. The get-up-and-go decision to group convoy from a bunch of crazy aunts and uncles might seem a bit over the top; like an Irish version of My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Overbearing? No question about it.


I walked into my sister’s house with my iPhone in video setting. I wanted to capture whatever it was Jack had to “announce.” Instead, I was completely blown away by the resounding “SURPRISE” cheer coming from a room full of the people I love most in the world. Imagine if you could airlift the important people from all the chapters of your life, coordinate a secret meeting date, and have them waiting in the shadows of your sister’s living room.


I was blown away by those who made the effort to attend. My children, my nieces, nephews and old friends who knew me way back when my hair was kinked with perm all welcomed me with an exuberant hug. And then, as the pinnacle of all, making their entrance from behind the crowd were my University of Dayton friends who stunned me with their presence. I literally fell to my knees in surprise. Even my Apple watch sensed the disbelief. Detecting a hard fall, my watch wondered if I needed an emergency SOS call.


I’ve had a few days to reflect. Still, I’m overcome. First of all, how my sister and company could orchestrate such a complete and utter surprise simply blows me away. She even fabricated a story of her neighbors hosting a pickle ball tournament in the cul-de-sac which explained the packed circular line of cars surrounding her house. My sister, usually the most tolerant and understanding person on the planet was irritated by a pickle ball gathering? Now, that was a bit odd. I’m wondering if the FBI is hiring; I know a very smart sister who just might be a golden addition to their sting operation program.


It’s hard to receive such a grand and all-encompassing inflow of love. Certainly for many, it’s much easier to be a giver. On this Friday night, however, I was humbled by the effort, love, and outpouring of joy by a room full of people I love so much. To be immersed in such a big occasion of fun was a gift that will keep on giving for a very long time.