The Creative Way Out
Photo by William Felker on Unsplash
When my nephew, Michael, spoke at my brother’s memorial service, he spoke of depression. In the aftermath of his uncle’s suicide, we were trying to grasp the tragedy of our second family experience with intentional death. Michael’s father, too, chose death as a byproduct of insurmountable despair. My two brothers. Michael articulated depression as if you are at the bottom of a well crying for help, but no one hears you. The weeping of silent tears disintegrates the soul, often leaving our beloved without hope and no-where to go towards the light. Alas, the heart drowns too often leading to death. In the search for meaning to understand my brothers’ pain, and my own reconciliation of loss, I have journeyed into this world of suicide awareness. Listening to others’ stories, allowing safe space for grief, and growing in my willingness to be part of this difficult discussion have all helped me to understand that trying to unlock the key to the soul bears hope. This is the second year the K-12/TEJAS Gallery has offered this bold and brave opportunity to understand the signs of suicide. Through creative expression, artists bring life to the vast continuum of circumstances leading the anguish-proned further towards self-inflicted hurt.
I have come to realize the life-giving clout of creative expression. Often, the use of words seems trite, but through the use of color, brush, medium and gentleness of self, the expression of loneliness, isolation and despair come into the light. Thus, every person is afforded an opportunity to interpret the images to reflect their own journey, whereby offering a step from the deep well. Resting in this creativity surrounding us offers an opportunity to move our torment into a greater life palate, so that darkness alone does not define us. These pieces of art let us know that it is ok to be imperfect, and that through brokenness, new life can flow.
Being part of this project and allowing individual grief to join a community gives reassurance that we are not alone. For many who have suffered within the world of depression, the experience of creativity can open the darkest places of the soul, where loneliness and feelings of anguish fester. Illumination challenges isolation, whereby offering the possibility to towards hope. You never know, one moment of radiance can lead to another, offering the a lifeline deep within the well’s abyss. I invite you to peruse and take time to rest in the byproduct of creativity surrounding you. I am quite certain there is something here that can speak to each person, whereby offering new understanding. Resting in this collective exhibit, fear is replaced by courage. Shame is replaced with the ability to offer compassion. And above all, loneliness and embarrassment are replaced with the ability to rise up from the well. In doing so, we offer a lifeline for one another which really can save us all.