The Inspiration of the Gail's

Well, here we are ready to turn the page to a new year. And what a year it’s been. I realize there’s still a mask wearing elephant in the middle of our world, but we must look forward. As we prepare to watch the Times Square ball to drop and welcome 2022, some might be percolating New Year’s resolutions. Well, I’m not quite ready to tackle those yet as I still have some peppermint sprinkled cookies that pair perfectly with my afternoon tea. However, I’ve found myself showered by the possibilities for inspiration by two women who are in the throes of delight brought on by a bit of open-mindedness and determination. I share with you the story of two “Gail’s.” 


Gail #1 is the mother of a dear friend who is like a daughter to me. I’ve known her for years and suspect we’re around the same age. Our kids have been friends since those middle school days when Friday night backyard parties required car pool parents to hang together before the 11pm pick-up time. When Gail and I had a recent opportunity to spend some time together, she mentioned she walks every day. And in fact, January 4, 2022 will mark three years since Gail started walking. She has not missed a day of outside walking since January 4, 2019. Her minimum distance is a mile, most days she does more. Just like the mail carrier or Forrest Gump, she hasn’t been deterred by season, rain, snow, schedule conflicts or blistering heat. Every day, no matter what, she walks. 


Gail # 2 is my daughter’s friend.  She never thought of herself as an artist, but was open to taking a water color painting class. Brush to color to canvas ignited a new dawn in originality; and since, she’s delighted herself and others by her artistry. As I type, I admire the gift of her framed painting hanging on my kitchen wall. Through her newfound talent, Gail has caught on to the craft of melding talent with heart. Such is the secret sauce of being an artist. The piece is breathtaking, and makes me smile every time I look at it. 


I’ve been reflecting on the productive journeys of both these very different women. Gail #1 has energized me to walk. I realize I’ve a long way to go to meet a 3-year record, but my current wintertime record of walking 9 days in a row in temperatures below 50 degrees is a start. Remember, I am not a cold weather gal, but a good pair of gloves and hat make the chill a bit cozier. And about Gail #2? She’s stirred me to take another look at the fictional manuscript that’s been collecting dust for the past several years beneath the stack of my forgotten writings. If Gail #2 can become an artist, maybe I could explore the world of being a novelist. Just maybe. 


My point is this. As we continue to move through challenging times and into 2022, inspiration is a good thing. We’ve all been in this sludge of survival these past multitude of months. I know my spirit has felt stale, and the jumpstart through sought inspiration is a good thing. 


I think we need to greet 2022 with gentility and room for inspiration. Whether you are motivated by movement, reading, painting, healthier living or healthier loving (which includes love of self), I invite you to join me in taking a step into the world of encouragement. Both Gail’s have no idea how they’ve inspired me. Their pursuit of unexpected delight, I realize, is available to all of us. Who knows, I may very well greet you next year at this time as a walking novelist. Happy New Year everyone. 


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