Popsicles; A Gift of June

June is here, thank goodness. As I type, I sit outside enveloped by warm breezes and am protected from the boldness of the sun by expansive branches of oak trees. I couldn’t be happier. May has left us with her legacy of sown seeds and sprouts of new growth. She’s done a good job of turning soil nourishment into fertile ground for seedlings. July will bring her own treasures, but for now, June is in full bloom. We are growing into summer indeed. Rising temperatures, robust begonias and the realization of trees’ promise of rebirth have staked their presence in our southwest Ohio world. I just love it. Summer means simple. Whether we’re talking salads, backyard barbeques or pool dates, the unencumbered freedom of relaxed gathering affords some pretty great delights.


One of the most enchanting joys of June, however, is the rediscovery of the popsicle. Recently, I was in the company of more than a few extraordinary people who happened to be under the age of 7. It was hot outside, and following an iconic summer picnic table dinner of hot dogs and strawberries, I invited the crew of bright, exuberant youngsters to join me for a popsicle party.


The resurgence of the frozen rainbow on a stick is worth noting.  Since about early September, my popsicles hibernate in the freezer beneath winter soups and savory stews, and are almost forgotten until I’m surrounded by barefoot little people in bathing suits with exuberant smiles. And then I remember! Yes, I have popsicles! And then, whimsy is redefined by dripping, slurping, smiling and purple tongues. This is what silly summertime is all about!


Popsicles serve other purposes, too, which is a good reason to have them in constant supply. I’ve found popsicles have a healing power like no other. Immediate problems of little worlds, like the pain from stubbed toes or bleeding knee scrapes are easily remedied by an invitation to my freezer. Even missing a mom or dad can be countered with the grasp of a little hand, followed by, “What color would you like?” Most of the time, these frozen rainbows on a stick work magic in turning tears into laughter.


The best part about popsicles is the conversations that ensue as we sit outside with paper towels on hand. On this particular day, my little friends chatted about how fast they could ride their bikes, how their sand cakes were constructed, and how they ventured the water slide for the very first time. We giggle about silly faces, check out one another’s tongues to see who has the most orange or red or green or purple remnants left behind. Even when a melting portion of the popsicle falls to the ground, the big eyes of disappointment can only be followed with, “Well, let’s go get another one.”


The act of enjoying a popsicle might be something all of us should revisit. I bet on a hot summer afternoon, unwrapping a popsicle calls us to be in the present. One can’t linger after all, as melting is unfortunately non-negotiable. I invite you to consider a bit of frivolous fun this June. Each summer month has its seasonal treat. I can’t wait to talk peaches in July and of course, ice cream in August. But for now, I am relishing any and all opportunities for popsicle parties. I keep making new little friends, and I couldn’t be more June happy.


Beth Romer2 Comments