The Pleasure of Voting Early
One of my favorite experiences as an American is the ability to cast my ballot in elections. I love to vote. I never take for granted that I have a voice (albeit small) that is part of a large citizen body that determines our legislative representation or implementation of laws that impact our lives. From local school board candidates to statewide issues to national choice for President of the United States, I like to research all candidates and issues on each ballot. For me, the opportunity to vote places all of us on equal playing ground. Voices are loud these days, as we all know. I remind myself all the time that my vote is no greater or lesser than anyone else’s, regardless of how much oxygen is used or perceived influence exercised.
I’m always afraid that there will be some act of god like a flat tire, monsoon, or pink eye that will prevent me from voting in-person on election day. Therefore, I like to vote early. A few years ago, during the Covid-19 Pandemic, I decided to bridge the uncertainty of the time and made the trip downtown to the Montgomery County Administration Building.
Talk about a pleasant experience. I think poll workers in general are generous-hearted people who are showing up to do their part for the greater good. All poll workers provide an example of community and patriotic service. Yet, I happen to have cultivated a particular appreciation for those who work at the Montgomery County Board of Elections. They guide eager voters through our county wide voting epicenter in the lower level of the Montgomery County Administration Building making the voting experience even that much more pleasant.
Let me say first, parking is easy. Anytime talk of ease in parking while downtown automatically makes the experience attractive. Entering the administration building in downtown Dayton, the signs are clear. I followed the arrows giving clear direction to the early voting site. Down, down, down the escalators I went as directed. Then, after a few more arrows, I was greeted at the door by an administrator with a big smile who promptly directed me to an available check-in person.
“Please proceed to check-in #3,” the chief poll worker said with pleasantries as I approached the welcome sign. He pointed to a woman with another welcoming smile setting behind a counter flanked by a #3-illuminated sign. The demeanor of the entire staff was nice, even playful. It was evident they enjoyed working together. From the parking representative who validated my parking ticket to the woman who checked my ID, everyone seemed so appreciative that I was there to vote. At the risk of sounding a bit narcissistic, I want to clarify that all my fellow early voters were offered the same warm and professional welcome. Let’s just say, the entire atmosphere of the early voting poll place is positive, apolitical, and encouraging. I love mingling with others who are so intentional in exercising their right to vote.
I realize there are many places in the world where the opportunity to vote is not possible. Given that reality, casting a ballot safely and securely is one that I never take for granted. I also realize there are many of our neighbors and friends who just don’t vote. For those people who’ve perhaps never voted or who’ve lost faith amidst our tumultuous political hullabaloo, I invite you to grab your ID and make your way to the Montgomery County Administration Building. Voting is empowering. Voting early is just plain fun.