Walk With Me

Today is my 123 mark. 123 days of a consecutive outdoor walks, minimum 1 mile, most days between 2 and 4 miles. If you remember, back in December, I was inspired by Gail to walk every day. Gail was encroaching on her 3rd anniversary of walking; every day, outside for at least a mile. I decided to start walking, too. 


Most days, I am able to get my walk in without difficulty. I am grateful I live close to a beautiful park where I can get lost (literally sometimes) on trails brimming with singing birds, dancing streams, and majestic trees. I’ve learned to be ok with walking after ice storms (with caution), beneath rain soaking skies, or in sub-zero wind chill. Creating space amidst the reassurance of nature’s range of magnificence has become a staple in restoring calm to the varied forms of worry or concerns that can so easily take residence in my soul. Step by step, breath by breath, walking has become an essential element of my day.


There have been many days since December 20, where getting my walk in has required a bit of creative scheduling. Take for example this past weekend, I was returning from a trip to Jackson, Mississippi. My early morning flight, with a connection in Charlotte, was due to arrive in Dayton by early afternoon. However, I ended up spending the better part of the day in the Charlotte airport watching the departure monitor note one delay after another. During one of many phone calls with my husband to update him on my travel frustrations, he suggested I use the delay time to “get my walk in.”  I reminded him walking indoors doesn’t count. He made some comment about “the Gail factor” to no avail. I was determined. When I finally arrived home as the sun was about to call it a day, I walked in the kitchen, dropped my bag, blew my husband a kiss and walked right back out the door. Mission accomplished.


My grandchildren have joined me in my daily goals. My grandson, Daniel, loves to ride his bike alongside me, reminding me, “Nona, we gotta do your miles.” During frequent trips to Mississippi, I have no problem putting two little ones in the double stroller with sippy cups and snacks and walking around their cul-de-sac 87 times looking at squirrels’ nests above and pretty rocks below. Those miles take a bit longer, but that’s ok. Just two days ago, our 5-month-old Archie and I set out at 8:00 am to beat the line of yellow and red band of storms that were headed our way according to my storm tracker radar app. 


Best of all, I realize how much I am surprising myself with this new daily achievement. Delighting oneself, even in this simple way, at the age of 62 feels good. I realize taking walks might pale in comparison to other, more strenuous feats like running marathons or biking over mountains. For me, self-discipline has been elusive, so the fact I’m in 123 days in and counting is something to celebrate. 


Walking each day makes me feel stronger, more aware, and empowered. I share my journey with you in hopes that you, too, might delight yourself with simple steps forward. Spring is upon us. The reawakening of green grass, yellow daffodils, and flowering trees offer an invitation. Lace up and join me. It can all begin with a stroll around the block. I know this to be true, right Gail? 

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